Richard Redding Antiques Ltd

40 Years of Passion, Limited Edition.
Publisher: Richard Redding Antiques Ltd

Dear Friends and Clients


There is a saying that time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself. That has certainly been the case for me – simply because I love my job. Having established Richard Redding Antiques in 1977, we are proud to be celebrating our 40th anniversary. During those forty years, I have had the privilege to handle some of history’s finest masterpieces, have met some fascinating people and have grown from strength to strength. It is a passion that I and my staff would like to share with you in this book.


As you turn the pages you will encounter a small selection of the most important, rare and beautiful objects that we have acquired during the past four decades. Each clock, bronze, item of furniture, silver, porcelain, painting or other works of art, all made by leaders in their field, is fully illustrated and accompanied by a short description. However, if you would like to read a more detailed catalogue description, then please visit the gallery’s website at where you will find many other quality objects from our stock. The website has been recently updated to include superior graphics with zoom facility as well as detailed catalogue descriptions so that you can fully appreciate the true artistic merit of each object from the comfort of your home or place of work.


As most of you will know Richard Redding Antiques was originally based in the heart of Zurich but from 2013 it has been successfully operating from an equally large gallery attached to my home in Gündisau. There is always a warm welcome for those who would like to visit the gallery and handle the objects in person but I would urge you to make an appointment since I am often out and about in search of new discoveries. Added to that the gallery continues each spring to exhibit at The European Fine Art Fair (TEFAF) at Maastricht – the world’s leading art and antiques show – where visitors will have an opportunity to view our most recent acquisitions.


Richard Redding Antiques is fortunate in having a strong team, all of whom are experts in their field. While some might be involved in careful and sympathetic restoration, others ensure the smooth running of the gallery, that the website is constantly updated, that objects are correctly researched and catalogued as well as professionally packed and transported to their new homes.


Whether you are a museum curator, a member of an institution, a private collector or fellow dealer, we are here to share our passion with you. So please don’t hesitate in making contact either by phone, email, via the website or in person. Our aim is for you to not only appreciate the beauty, quality and importance of our stock but above all to enjoy it.


Richard Redding